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除了古典的歌劇、古典藝術歌曲外,音樂劇on my own、memory 、think of me⋯等等更難不倒她。對於經典的情歌、黃梅小調、Jazz 的詮釋,更是情感、韻味細膩,渲染力十足。
2013年時,還受邀至義大利遊輪Costa Atlantica演出。
Kiki is a classical crossover lyric soprano.She was born in a musical family.Her grandma was the singer and father is a music producer.She has being influenced by classical and jazz music since her childhood.
Kiki has a clear powerful voice.She majored in vocal and piano in college and graduated with honors at the top of her class from the College of Music.Not only did she do live performances but also produced records and taught singing.
In 2010 she produced numerous records for various recording artists.
In 2012 Kiki has earned Golden Melody award.
In 2013 she was invited to perform on Costa Atlantica cruise.
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