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Mars Band火星樂團創團人之一,也是第一代的女主唱。1998年進入音樂圈,參加音樂歌唱選秀節目PK魔王,藝人專屬和音,電視廣告音樂配唱。獨特渾厚Powerful的唱腔能夠詮釋各種曲風;Jazz,POP,Disco,Rock,Hip-Hop…等,因舞台經驗豐富,鑽研發展成為專業主持人,機智的臨場反應,風趣幽默的風格深得各大廠商指定主持。
演唱重要里程碑,屢屢受邀至國外演出,如The Venetian Macao-Resort Hotel.Four Seasons Hotel.Macao VIP Room.Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel等。簽約駐唱歌手。
Mars Band Mars Orchestra, one of the group, that also known as the first generation of female lead singer. On 1998 came in the music world, and participate in music singing talent show PK devil, artist exclusive and sound, television advertising music singing.Jazz, POP, Disco, Hip-Hop ... and so on, due to the stage of experience, study and development into a professional host, witty spot
response, humorous style and won the major Vendor designated host.
An important milestone in the concert, often invited to foreign country performances, such as the Venetian Macao-Resort Hotel.Four Seasons Hotel.Macao VIP Room.Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel and so on.

Good ability at english, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese songs.
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